
weekending in norcal

this weekend we made the long, awful, but so worth it drive up to northern california to see my family. on friday night we had a little early birthday celebration for my amazing mom.

he's such a nerd sometimes

saturday was brookie's PROM!! gosh, i feel like i just went to prom and now it was her turn.  that little peanut is growing up way too fast!!  i am so happy i was able to be there with her on that day and help her get ready and do her make up!!  i felt so blessed to be there and be apart of it because it has mad me so sad to miss out on every other fancy dance and fun high school things that she's done the last four years.  the other awesome part about her prom is that her date was my date's little brother!!

spencer & i at my prom
spencer's brother tucker, and brookie at their prom!

my little brookie looked so stinkin hott!! we sent her off and she had the best time dancing the night away.

on sunday we went to napa to go wine tasting!  my cousin michael put together a special day for his best friend and his new girlfriend.  since michael has his private pilot's license he flew them over san francisco and landed in napa to have lunch and go wine tasting with all our families.  so they flew in and we drove and we all met up.  unfortunately it took a little longer than planned and napa was crazy busy (memorial weekend, duh) so it was a quick little lunch but so fun nonetheless, and he had such a sweet heart and was so thoughtful planning the whole thing!! 

quickest picnic ever!

how to drink in napa on a quick picnic

the picnic was quick because they had to get back on the plane before their rental time was up.  so after they left mom, dad, nick and i went to v. sattui and bought my favorite wine, gammay rouge, and enjoyed it together.  it was a great day and a great weekend.  we got up at 5 am monday morning to head back home..

we got home last night and on our way down we stopped in LA to have lunch with one of my favorite and longest friends, kristy.  it was so great to catch up and laugh like old times.

some random girl.. i'm pretty sure she forgot her pants at home..
we made it home without hitting any memorial day traffic!! that was shocking.

my cousin travis who is fighting in iraq right now
 so thankful this memorial day for all the soldiers who put their life on the line to fight for our country.
we are the land of the free because of the brave

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