
happy birthday mom!!

my mom (on the right) and her sister.. cutest little thing
 today is my mom's 30th birthday!!!! 
okay, not really 30, but she sure looks like it!
i have been blessed with the most amazing mom in the world.  anyone who knows her will agree that she lights up any room she sets her foot into.  if there is someone in need, my mom is the first lend her hand.  she has the biggest heart.. ever.  she loves my dad more than anything and has given me the greatest example of what a godly marriage looks like.  she has devoted her whole life to my sister and i making sure that we have the BEST.  she loves the unlovable and it's incredible to watch.  traveling with her is the best.  she will get you into forbidden places and you'll meet way too many celebrities.  we call this her "schmoozing" technique.. she's got it down!!  she throws the best parties and is definitely the queen of FUN.  
i swear this song by lauren alaina was written for my mom and i... watch it :)

i want to do everything just like my mother does.. so much so that we have an ongoing joke where she always tells me, "britt, you can't be me!!"  but it's true. i want to be just like her.
this next song always reminds me of my mom (and dad) because no matter what they have always stood by me.. they have given me unconditional love that has blown me away these past 22 years.


(i wanted to put up pictures of her and i from when i was little but my computer crashed last summer and i lost everything so those will have to do) 

Mom, I tried to write you a letter but everything I wanted to say I have already written to you {in your mother's day letter}  re-read this, and believe it..
God has blessed me with the greatest mom in the world and I am so grateful to be your daughter.  I am who I am today because of you and the influence you have had on me. You have the most incredible strength I have ever seen in any woman; you love me and encourage me in a way that makes me feel so full.  You are the life of the party and everybody wishes they had that "fun" quality that you have.  You are the hottest mid 40’s mom I have ever seen!  You light up any room you walk into and bring joy to everyone around you.  You have such a beautiful heart that cares so much about people.  You radiate the love of Christ everywhere you go.  You have been the greatest example to be of what a godly wife is and how to love and honor your husband.  These things that you have modeled to me I can now live out and that is something I am so thankful for.  I have seen from you how unique and irreplaceable a mother's love is.  You have devoted your life to Brooke and I and that has blessed me more than you know.  You want us to have the absolute best and have always made sure that we did.  Without a doubt you have always wanted the VERY best for me, even when it wasn't what I wanted to hear.  I am so thankful that you were my mom and not always my friend and I love where we are in life how I still come to you for wisdom but now, more than anything, you are my friend.. One of my very best friends!  I am so blessed to have been brought up in a healthy family who loves the Lord and loves each other.  I am so thankful to be in a family that defends each other, no matter the cost.  You have taught me so many things, and one of those things is what it looks like to love. You have proven to me that no matter what I did, you are always there and you stand by me no matter what.
The song "I'll Stand By You" always reminds me of you because that's what you do.  You always stand by me.  And especially this line you have shown me to be true: "When the night falls on you and you don't know what to do, nothing you confess could make me love you less, I'll stand by you, I'll stand by you, I won't let nobody hurt you, I'll stand by you."
Mom, you have given me the world and have provided me with so many opportunities, and it's YOU who deserves the world.  I love you more than you'll ever know and even though growing up I sometimes acted ungrateful, I am SO beyond grateful for everything you have ever done for me and the way you have always loved me.  I'm the most blessed daughter in the world just for having you as my mom!

if you know my mom, make her feel so loved today. 
text her, call her, write on her facebook.  
she is the most incredible woman.. i'm sure you know that.


1 comment:

  1. I Love you so much.... this letter an post is such a amazing gift...Thank you for being the sweet lil girl youve always been. Your are JOY Brittany ...pure JOY!!!
