
trudeau tribe

this past weekend nick and i had the three kids that i used to nanny and live with.  i mean, who would say no to hanging with three of my favorite kiddos in the world and staying in one of the most beautiful homes in la jolla for a weekend?!  definitely not me.  i love being able to do this and play mom and dad without having our own yet. we had such a great time with them.. they bless me without even knowing it and just bring me so much joy!!  the pictures will tell the story of our weekend..
zoe pretending to play guitar

"i bet i could fit in here"

on our way to Aiden's baseball game

sleepy little elliot


aiden up to bat!

playing 3rd base

aiden's biggest fan

zozo & i

me & elly belly

dinner afterwards @ islands

sunday brunch @ beaumonts

such a great team together!
elliot loves chloe

zoe, melanie, sarah

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